Shuangliang Eco-Energy
Absorption Chiller and Heat Pump Applications and Solutions
Shuangliang Eco-Energy Systems Company Limited is the major subsidiary of Shuangliang Group, dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions to save energy and freshwater through the patented Lithium Bromide Absorption Chiller driven by Direct Fire, Hot Water, Steam and Flue Gas; Air Cooled Condenser; Sea Water Desalination System; and High-Efficiency Heat Exchangers.

Shuangliang was founded in 1982, and since 1985 has been producing LiBr absorption chillers. Shuangliang has become China’s number one Trademark and market share leader and, in 2003, became the only public listed company in the Li-Br absorption chiller industry of China.
Shuangliang Eco-Energy is the world leader in absorption chillers and industrial heat pumps.